Do More of What Makes You Happy

November 06, 2013

I love this image. I found it somewhere when surfing online and had to save it for myself. (If anyone knows where this image comes from, let me know so I can link the credit.)

Do. More. Of. What. Makes. You. Happy.

Simple as that, right? Well, I think many of us struggle more with this task than we can admit or even than we are conscious of. We get so caught up in our daily, busy lives full of errands to take care of, work, things that need to get done, checklists of annoying tasks, etc.

I mean, we work pretty hard to earn a living to be able to pay for whatever we want to pay for, so why not make better choices and really do the things that make us happy.

In some cases, it means saving more money to be able to do things like travel - which I want to do way more of. Like making use of a long weekend and hopping over to a neighboring country's beautiful city. Obviously, that can cost quite a lot, but doesn't it make more sense to save money for trips like these than to buy material things we don't even really need?

I guess it all depends on what makes you happy - like the image says. Life is too short not to do the things we love with the people we love.

Obviously, I'm quite a material girl myself. And yes, that lipstick or this handbag really does make me happy. I guess it's important to enjoy everything in moderation. And to of course be grateful for everyone and everything in your life.

Also, remember to enjoy all the little or big moments. Don't think about pesky tasks or events waiting for you in the future, because if those thoughts consume you, you'll totally miss what's happening at that moment. And that'd be a shame, wouldn't it?

This was kind of a rambly post but I had the need to share :)

And, something that's making me happy right now: my new blog template! Yay! Finally finished. I really love it and this motivates me even more to blog. I got the blog template on Etsy in the shop Mlekoshi Playground. In their main shop Mlekoshi they do business branding and web / e-commerce. Definitely check them out! Their customer service is out of this world!

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All opinions and photography on this blog are my own unless otherwise stated.